It generates the report on Papers,Students, Examinations.Editing, adding and updating of Records is improved which results in proper resource management of Papers data.It deals with monitoring the information and transactions of Marks.To increase efficiency of managing the Papers, Students.Shows the information and description of the Papers, Results.It tracks all the information of Students, Examinations, Marks ect.College Management System also sells the employees details online for students details, employees details, courses.Provides the searching facilities based on various factors.Functionalities provided by Java Project on MCQ Quiz Application are as follows: It tracks all the details about the Results, Marks, Courses. The purpose of the project is to build an application program to reduce the manual work for managing the Papers, Students, Examinations, Results. The project is totally built at administrative end and thus only the administrator is guaranteed the access. It manages all the information about Papers, Examinations, Courses, Papers. The main objective of the Java Project on MCQ Quiz Application is to manage the details of Papers,Students, Results, Marks, Courses. By using this Web Based Quiz System in PHP/MySQLi, it will be easy and convenient for any organizations to check the performances of every student that take part in the examination.Objective of Java Project on MCQ Quiz Application While the admin has the ability to view and manage the users, their rankings and manage the questionnaires. In order for the user/student to access the Web Based Quiz System in PHP/MySQLi he has to register and log in to the system take the part in the examination. By taking this online examination it requires less manpower to execute the examination with that they just don’t save a lot of time but also it saves them money. The main purpose of this Web Based Quiz System in PHP/MySQLi is to save students time in taking the examination. About the Web Based Quiz System in PHP/MySQLi

This is designed as a very easy to use system that the functions can be easily understood by different users. This Web Based Quiz System in PHP/MySQLi contains two sections the admin side and the users side. The Quiz system is a simple online based project that is developed using PHP, JavaScript, BootStrap, CSS and MySQLi for the database. Web Based Quiz System in PHP/MySQLi with Full Source Code